
Meetings & Groups

Our sister company, Unbridled Solutions, is a corporate event management and communications company providing worldwide meeting and incentive management services. From the initial strategic conceptualization and design, through logistics planning and implementation, down to the final accounting, they provide our customers with unmatched services and attention to detail. Unbridled Solutions plans events such as:
  • Board Meetings
  • Investigator Meetings
  • Symposia
  • World Congress Events
  • Product Launches
  • Regional Events
  • Training Meetings
  • Sales Meetings
  • Management Meetings
  • Reseller Events
  • Sales Incentives
  • User Conferences
  • Customer Event
  • Executive Retreats
  • Team Building
As with Compass Travel, Unbridled Solutions goes the extra mile in ensuring client satisfaction so that your meeting or event is a complete success. For more information contact your Compass Travel representative. Click here to reach Unbridled Soutions:
A Few of Our Distinguished Clients:

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services



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For more information:
Toll Free: 1-800-747-1292 || Phone: (303) 534-1292 || Fax: (303) 534-8061
Address: 1001 16th Street, Denver, Colorado 80265
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