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What's New

What's new and interesting at Welchert & Britz


  • The firm's last couple of years have been marked by a series of firsts! Last year a group of national foundations asked us to provide immediate crisis intervention and PR direction to pass the "first in the nation" teacher pay-for- performance plan within the Denver school union. We then tackled Amendment 37 which requires electric utilities to provide 10% of new energy from renewable sources like the wind and sun. Against heavy opposition, we garnered 54% of the statewide vote in a first-in-the-nation public referendum on renewable energy.

Breaking New Ground...One Shovel Full at a time!

  • We were the 1st in the Nation to defeat "private school tax credits" (son of vouchers)
  • 1st in the Nation to defeat the move to abolish bilingual education options for immigrants. (Similar measures passed in California, Arizona and Mass)
  • 1st in the Nation to pass a "pay-for-performance" professional compensation program for teachers.
  • 1st in the Nation to run or pass a statewide ballot initiative mandating renewable energy as part of the production of electricity.
  • Amendment 37 is a truly historic for Colorado and the nation. Only 15 other states have a renewable energy standard in law-but each was passed through legislation. After three failed attempts, Colorado leaders went to the people. Co-chaired by Republican Speaker Lola Spradley and Democratic Congressman Mark Udall a broad and diverse coalition of farmers and ranchers, business and civic leaders, and environmentalists came together to pass this groundbreaking change. While being outspent by the utility monopolies 4-1, the discipline and effectiveness of our message cut through the clutter to victory. The work of Mark Armour (media) and Paul Harstad (research) were critical to this success.
  • Welchert & Britz solidified their reputation as the leaders in education. In Jeffco Schools we developed a campaign that put up a remarkable 17,000 yard signs, had 1700 volunteers going door-to-door, made 100,000 phone calls and produced a hard-hitting TV spot that ran for four weeks. The result: 58% support for $324 million in new school buildings and 60% support for $38.5 million for teachers and operations. We passed another $180 million for Adams 12 Schools (our second consecutive win with them) and $50 million for a new high school in Brighton reversing (different consultants) their 2003 defeat. In 2003 we also reversed a previous loss for Woodland Park Schools
  • We also passed sales tax increases in Wheat Ridge and Evans for public safety, a roads bond in Glenwood Springs and a roads tax in Rifle.


  • Welchert & Britz is coming off an historic 2002 November election cycle. The Welchert & Britz team managed the 56%-44% defeat of Amendment 31. The Colorado defeat marks the first time in history that Ron Unz's anti-bilingual education juggernaut has been stopped. Similar initiatives have passed overwhelmingly in California, Arizona and Massachusetts. Using extensive research and a clear message the campaign was able to educate voters about the misleading nature of the proposed initiative. The work of Joe Slade White (media) and Diane Feldman (research) were invaluable partners in our success.
  • In addition to the victory, Welchert & Britz and the campaign were honored by the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association, and the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE) for their commitment to education.
  • As general consultants, Welchert & Britz were heavily involved in one of the closest Congressional races in history. Colorado's new 7th Congressional District was even more competitive than anyone could have imagined. Democratic candidate Mike Feeley fell to Republican Bob Beauprez after an automatic recount and a successful court injunction that helped to ensure every vote would be counted. The margin was a mere 121 votes. Although the other candidate came out on top, it's races like these that keep W&B hungry for more!
  • Welchert & Britz helped Congressman Mark Udall return to Washington with a resounding 69% of the vote. Steve Welchert produced a series of effective direct mail pieces which helped widen Udall's margin of victory. Unfortunately, our direct mail and consulting efforts for Tom Strickland were not enough to help the phenomenal U.S. Senate nominee overcome the GOP's 180,000 vote advantage in Colorado.
  • On top of all that, W&B passed the largest bond referendum in Colorado in 2002 for the Aurora Public Schools. The $225 million package will refurbish schools and build new classrooms throughout Aurora.
  • The American Association of Political Consultants awarded the firm an honorable mention for "Hero" a direct mail piece developed by John Britz for the North Washington Fire District. Check out the award winning piece in our portfolio!

  • Who We Are | What We Do | What's New | Clients & Awards | Contact Us

    For more information: nicole@welchertandbritz.com || Webmaster: webmaster@ammagrafix.com
    Phone: (303) 615 - 9725 || Fax: (303) 615 - 9735
    Address: Union Station, Suite 215 - 1701 Wynkoop Street - Denver, CO 80202
    Copyright © 2002 Welchert & Britz. All Rights Reserved.
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