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What We Do

One of the great things about our business is that with each new day comes a new challenge. Whether it's a call from a colleague in Washington, D.C., a friend in L.A. or a former client in Florida, the possibilities are endless. Our days are filled with "What if…", "Do you think you could…", "What about…" "Do you know anybody at…" and even "Will you buy lunch?"
The list below is a smattering of the fun and mischief we're involved in at Welchert & Britz. To gain a more thorough understanding of our work please click on the topics at left.
  • General Consultant to a U.S. Senate campaign
  • Manage state-wide Renewable Energy campaign
  • Build a Communications Plan to influence local and national officials involved with Canadian rail operations
  • Create Direct Mail for a gubernatorial re-election
  • Write and develop "new product" marketing plan for a soft drink giant
  • Design Media Development and Conference Management for Western Hemisphere Trade & Commerce Forum
  • Conduct Focus Groups for clients ranging from a government investment pool to a large regional bank
  • Manage member mobilization for a statewide teacher association
  • Direct regional Grasstops Program in the medical community for a large cereal manufacturer
  • Provide Federal liaison for a coalition of national/international airlines
  • Conduct research for a suburban Chamber of Commerce

Public Relations | Public Affairs | Political Consulting | Print & Collateral | Research | Portfolio

Who We Are | What We Do | What's New | Clients & Awards | Contact Us

For more information: nicole@welchertandbritz.com || Webmaster: webmaster@ammagrafix.com
Phone: (303) 615 - 9725 || Fax: (303) 615 - 9735
Address: Union Station, Suite 215 - 1701 Wynkoop Street - Denver, CO 80202
Copyright © 2002 Welchert & Britz. All Rights Reserved.
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