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Print & Collateral

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Your message is only as good as the people producing it. Our award-winning writing, copy editing and creative design are carried out in-house at Welchert & Britz. That means we meet your deadlines, we control your costs, and you know who to call for immediate accountability.
We have produced over one-million pieces of direct mail each year since 1994. Members of our firm have developed direct mail/collateral material for Gore for President, Colorado Governor Roy Romer, Denver Mayor Federico Peņa, US Senate Candidate Tom Strickland, Colorado Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald and dozens of other progressive issue and candidate campaigns.
W&B has developed corporate ID packets, flyers and promotional brochures for clients as diverse as the NCAA basketball tournament, real estate projects, financial institutions, design/build groups, zoning issues, trade conferences, special events and non-profit organizations.
It is easy to develop spectacular materials on an unlimited budget. But our creativity also shines brilliantly within tight constraints: we've been in your shoes, and we work inside the budget parameters you establish.


  • Local, Legislative, Statewide and Federal Candidates
  • Issue, Initiative & Referendum Campaigns
  • Logo Development
  • Corporate Affairs and Business Development
  • Corporate Identity, Advertising, and Brochure Development
  • Preparation of Promotional and Collateral Materials
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For more information: nicole@welchertandbritz.com || Webmaster: webmaster@ammagrafix.com
Phone: (303) 615 - 9725 || Fax: (303) 615 - 9735
Address: Union Station, Suite 215 - 1701 Wynkoop Street - Denver, CO 80202
Copyright © 2002 Welchert & Britz. All Rights Reserved.
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