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Who We Are

Let's Face It: You're in Business to Win.

In a world that grows more competitive and demanding each day, the difference between first place and second best can be razor thin. And whether your organization is large or small, you want to make sure you give yourself every opportunity and every tool to win.

And Winning is what Welchert & Britz is all about.

W&B has the ability to see the big picture as well as the smallest details. Just as important, we know how to formulate the kinds of strategies that can help you achieve your short-term goals. Or long-term goals. Even some goals you might not have thought of.
At the core of our philosophy is teamwork. We don't just work for a client, we work with a client. Whether we're offering strategic planning, orchestrating a news conference, analyzing data or managing a crisis, our focus is on a collaborative effort. You can learn more about our team by clicking at the left.
Yes, we're the pros, the ones you hire to come up with solutions. But we recognize that good ideas can come from a multitude of sources. We've learned that if you listen, you'll be amazed at what you can hear. By distilling the contributions of our clients and our professional staff, we can develop strategies that allow you to hit the ground running, giving you the critical head start and providing the edge that can spell the difference between a real victory and a moral victory.
We know how to do this because at Welchert & Britz, our business is winning.

Steve Welchert | John Britz | Nicole Kemp | Kristine Kelly

Who We Are | What We Do | What's New | Clients & Awards | Contact Us

For more information: nicole@welchertandbritz.com || Webmaster: webmaster@ammagrafix.com
Phone: (303) 615 - 9725 || Fax: (303) 615 - 9735
Address: Union Station, Suite 215 - 1701 Wynkoop Street - Denver, CO 80202
Copyright © 2002 Welchert & Britz. All Rights Reserved.
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