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John Britz

As a Pueblo native, John's Colorado roots run deep. He graduated in Political Science/Psychology from the University of Denver (where he competed in lacrosse) and his knowledge of the political landscape in the Rocky Mountain west is second to none.

Britz is fond of saying, "we often go where angels fear to tread." That's in evidence by the work Britz and the firm have accomplished. He directed the work on two ballot measures that would have changed the face of education in Colorado. NO on 17 stopped private school tax credits (vouchers) and NO on 31 preserved bi-lingual educational choices for immigrant children. He was instrumental in passing the "first-in-the-nation" professional compensation (pay for performance) system among teachers for the Denver schools. And many of the new schools on Colorado's horizon also have Britz to thank for successful tax election strategies.

Keeping a finger on the pulse of education policy and politics is only a part of the Britz story. His work for local fire districts, municipalities and school districts has greatly improved the quality of life in the region. Clients routinely count on him for his expertise and development of budgets, planning documents and timelines. That's why the W&B credo is "plan the work and then work the plan." In addition to advancing public policy through initiative, Britz has played a pivotal role in numerous candidate races including U.S Senate in Wyoming and Colorado, congressional seats across the Rockies and legislative races too numerous to count (he previously directed the House Democratic Caucus). Britz has written and participated in client training, developed successful grassroots lobbying campaigns and designed corporate communications that got results. For example, his creation and implementation of El Liderazgo del Futuro (Leadership for the Future) provided training for over two thousand Hispanic leaders from across the country and was hailed as a magnificent achievement by California Speaker of the House Antonio Villaraigosa who keynoted the three-day event.

When he's not watching sports he's coaching or volunteering with his two daughters--basketball is the current passion. John has also stepped up to aide the Denver Public Schools Middle School sports program through the Denver Nuggets/Colorado Avalanche Prep League. In 1995 the Denver Post recognized John Britz as a rising star and he has been honored with inclusion in Who's Who in America. Mayor Webb has also appointed Britz to serve on the Metro Wastewater Board of Directors.

What you didn't know: JB ran the clock for DU hockey games in college…best seat in the house!

Steve Welchert | John Britz | Nicole Kemp | Kristine Kelly

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