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Case Studies              

Public Relations

In this day of instantaneous communication and real-time media campaigns, every project and issue needs a sophisticated, unique public-relations strategy.
Public and media relations managers must address many specific communities to win. If neighborhoods or other public interest groups are affected, they need to be informed and coordinated, regularly and strategically. If an issue's public policy implications should generate media interest, media outlets need to be given facts and perspective. Furthermore, multi-jurisdictional issues require managers to coordinate affected political entities. Allies must be cultivated, the public must be educated, and opponents must be neutralized.
We prescribe similar strategies for the Business sector, applying our media experience to identify opportunities for strong media exposure that improves the bottom line. We understand the subtleties of complex policy questions. And, we can design and implement a communication plan that achieves positive results.


  • Media Relations
  • News Releases (writing and placement)
  • Public Service Announcements
  • Media Interviews (planning and total coordination)
  • Training Sessions for Media Interviews and Appearances
  • News Conferences (planning and total coordination)
  • Spokesperson Training
  • Speech Writing (including research)
  • Image Development
  • Audio/Visual Presentations (concepts, scripting, production)
  • Special Events (planning, coordination and management)
  • Senior-Level Corporate Counseling
  • Corporate Identity Programs (including logo design)
  • Crisis Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Issues Management

Public Relations | Public Affairs | Political Consulting | Print & Collateral | Research | Portfolio

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For more information: nicole@welchertandbritz.com || Webmaster: webmaster@ammagrafix.com
Phone: (303) 615 - 9725 || Fax: (303) 615 - 9735
Address: Union Station, Suite 215 - 1701 Wynkoop Street - Denver, CO 80202
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