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Representative Client List

  • Adams First (Citizens for a New Criminal Justice Center)
  • Allders International
  • Amendment 37/Renewable Energy
  • Arapahoe County Library District
  • Aurora Public Schools
  • The American Ireland Fund, Denver, Colo.
  • Broad Foundation
  • The Broe Companies, Inc.
  • Brundage Management Company
  • Carmel Companies
  • Cassidy & Associates, Washington, D.C.
  • CenterPort International (Air Cargo Industrial Park)
  • City of Westminster
  • Coca Cola
  • Colorado Association of School Executives
  • Colorado Council of Landscape Architects
  • Colorado Education Association
  • Colorado Trial Lawyers Association
  • Common Cents Committee, Orlando, Fla.
  • Denver Area School Superintendents Council
  • English Plus/No on Amendment 31
  • Fitzsimons Area Chamber of Commerce
  • General Mills
  • Hanifen, Imhoff Inc.
  • Jefferson County Public Schools
  • Mike Feeley for Congress 2002
  • National Education Association
  • No on Amendment 17
  • OmniTRAX Rail Group
  • Powell-Tate, Washington, D.C.
  • Romer for Governor
  • Rose Community Foundation
  • Strickland for U.S. Senate
  • The Taubman Company
  • Udall for Congress
  • URS Consulting Engineers
  • US Business Roundtable,
  • Weld County Library District
  • Western Hemisphere Trade & Commerce Forum

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